Gorilla Test – Armor Bags

Armor Bag, Jerry Beaty

Armor Bags

Hello, let me introduce myself, I am an Armor bag.  When I was very young my creator, David Carmichael, sent me to live with a man named Jerry Beaty.  He said something about a “gorilla test” (whatever that is), he also said I would be able to travel the world.  I was built for adventure…LET’S GO!

My first day on the job Jerry stuffed me with lots of stuff…lots!  Stuff like computers, papers, swim suits and some stinky shoes….I had to hold my breath.  Then he grabbed me up and off we went.

So my travel adventure began.  Everyday was different, sometimes I would hear a language I did not understand, other times it was English.  Some days I would bask in the sunshine, other days I would shiver in the cold.  I was always on the go, seemed like Jerry never stopped.
I’ve had rain dripping from my handles, sand stuck in my seams and my wheels get tired from time to time.  Once I almost got sunstroke when I was left in the hot sun while Jerry talked to someone, he talks to people all the time.  But, I love the adventure.


The Gorilla Test

After only a few days rest off we go again.  I’m stuffed with shorts, shirts and ties, computers, papers and of course stinky shoes.

After all the years and thousands of miles I’ve traveled with Jerry, I think I’ve passed the “gorilla test”.

I wonder where we’re going this time….LET’S GO!

Armor Bag, Jerry Beaty, Travel, Spain, SCUBA

Jerry with his Armor bag, one year later in Madrid

Armor Bag, Jerry Beaty, Travel, SCUBA

Jerry with his new Armor bag in the Bangkok Airport 2011




3 Responses to Gorilla Test – Armor Bags

  1. Lynn Loftus says:

    Love, Love, Love

  2. Latisha says:

    Luck LUGGAGE.

  3. Gary Beene says:

    Hey JB – Are you needing a personal assistant to schlep your Armor bags around? Just asking…(I’m looking for an adventure in the seas given that we have absolutely no rivers this year!) be well!

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